Teaching Corporate Language to Engineering Students by Eliminating Personal Pronouns: A Case-Study at Tertiary level
Academic writing is subjective in comparison to professional writing needs which are purely objective. Recent language teaching approaches are only for academic writing and not for professional needs. Except these teaching pedagogies teaching and learning of non-academic writing becomes complex due to multicultural settings and insufficient previous knowledge of students. This research is an attempt to find the effectiveness of teaching specified writing instruction i.e. eliminating personal pronouns in corporate language learning. Current study provides quanto-qualitative measures to conclude observations through SPSS.20 and thematic analysis, respectively. Findings suggested that students were noted confused for the increasing demand of ultimate language perfection and raised advice from the present study helped in positive learning. Furthermore, this was noticed that in-spite of twelve years education poor teaching/learning tendencies negatively affected sentence constructions. This study sheds light on the active teaching/ learning pedagogy with the focus of distinct language needs.