Exploring factors contributing to the performance of prospective teachers of pre-service teacher education programmes in the external examination: A case study


  • Gillian Ann Rodrigues Notre Dame Institute of Education (NDIE)


Assessment plays a pivotal role in the academic life of a student. External examination systems are intended to maintain standardization. Examinations perform the task of an appraisal of student performance. Within the backdrop of valuing diversity and equity, it is imperative to work towards helping all students succeed. Several factors influence student performance in examinations. These include entry grades, support from family, performance in previous examinations, language skills, test anxiety, study effort, among others (Burnham & Makienko, 2017; Al-Hussaini & Shukor, 2022)). However, some of these factors either facilitate and/or impede student performance at the examinations. The participants in this study were attending a teacher education programme where 40% of their grade is determined internally while 60% of their grade is determined through external exams at the degree awarding university. Understanding these factors required an understanding of multiple realities and varied perspectives; hence, the case study method by Merriam was employed. Data were collected through a questionnaire and interviews that were conducted with the participants. Findings revealed that the students’ experiences of assembly, pastoral care and English support classes at the institute contributed to their global personal growth. Moreover, factors such as the exam paper preparation, levels of thinking being assessed, and invigilation practices emerged as impeding factors in their performance at the examination. Recommendations include language as well as other support classes such as academic literacy that need to be made a compulsory part of the curriculum. Further, there is need for non-academic support services as well.




How to Cite

Rodrigues, G. A. (2025). Exploring factors contributing to the performance of prospective teachers of pre-service teacher education programmes in the external examination: A case study. Hamdard Educus, 3(2), 30–50. Retrieved from https://hamdardeducus.com/index.php/he/article/view/58